Planning / Tendering / Supervision
From process engineering up to ready-to-run PLC-software
- Basic evaluation
- Variant analysys
- Cost estimation
- Basic design
- Cost calculation
- Aproval planning
- Implementation planning
Tendering Process
- Detailed quantity determining
- Technical specification of the scope of delivery
- Commercial and technical contract terms
- Bid evaluation
- Price comparison list
- Award proposal / Evaluation matrix
Project Management
- Scheduling
- Claim management
- Project planning
Execution / Construction-Supervision
- Contractor briefings
- Instructions regarding accident prevention regulations
- Technical supervision
- Check of compliance with contract
- Organization and management of site meetings
- Construction schedule and deadline monitoring
- Pre acceptance and final acceptance

Investment cost saving – Operation cost reduction
by 360° view on design, installation and operation
Economical plant operation is no coincidence, but a result of various factors in design and installation. We pay strict attention to compliance with legal requirements and particular specifications and their practicable and effective implementation in your specific case.